Inauguration TV Coverage Obama Inauguration TV Schedule January 20

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What time will Obama be sworn in? January 20, 2009 is the Inauguration Day of President-elect Barack Obama. If you are looking for complete Inauguration TV schedule, you just stumbled at the right place. Here's the Inauguration TV coverage so you can watch the 2009 Inauguration on TV:

Presidential Inauguration Schedule Time:
(Live TV telecast for Obama Inauguration on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Telemundo, Univision, BBC America, Fox and more)

Obama Inauguration CNN Coverage
2 a.m. Start of Inauguration coverage with a special edition of "American Morning.
7 a.m. Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper anchor reporting of the swearing-in and parade
4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cooper and Campbell Brown host extended editions of their nightly shows followed by a special edition of "Larry King Live."

ABC Inauguration TV Schedule:
4:00 a.m. "Good Morning America" airs a special three-hour edition from the Library of Congress beginning
7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Charles Gibson, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos anchor coverage
7 p.m news special
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Exclusive airing of "The Neighborhood Ball: An Inauguration Celebration," the first gala of the night attended by the new president and first lady.
10 p.m. news special with reports from the inaugural balls and an overview of the day's events.

CBS Inagauration TV Coverage Schedule
4 a.m. "The Early Show" broadcasts live from Washington
7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Katie Couric handles the coverage
7 p.m. an hourlong edition of "CBS Evening News" and a live webcast on with extended analysis.
9 p.m. "Change and Challenge," a prime-time news special anchored by Couric that traces Obama's journey to the White House.

NBC 2009 Inagauration TV Schedule
4 a.m. A special edition of "Today" from Washington.
7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw and Lester Holt lead a special report
10 p.m. Williams will anchor an hourlong edition of "NBC Nightly News," along with a live prime-time special with reports from the balls and special guests.

PBS Inauguration TV Coverage
8 a.m. Jim Lehrer, joined by columnists Mark Shields and David Brooks, anchor coverage.
9 p.m. A special "Frontline" chronicles the new president in "Dreams of Obama."

Telemundo Live Inauguration Schedule
8 a.m. Pedro Sevcec and Maria Celeste anchor a two-hour special

BBC America Inauguration Schedule
8 a.m. Huw Edwards and Matt Frei lead live coverage with reports from Kenya and London.

MSNBC Presidential Inauguration 2009
Twenty-one hours of coverage kick off at 3 a.m. with "Morning Joe" from a Capitol Hill restaurant. Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson take over at 7 a.m. Live reporting continues until midnight.

MTV Presidential Inauguration Time
7 p.m., the network will televise "Be the Change: Live From the Inaugural," a special focusing on volunteer service anchored from the Youth Inaugural Ball, where Obama is scheduled to speak.