For the February 25 episode of American Idol Season 8, the Group 2 wannabes namely Megan Corkrey, Kris Allen, Mishavonna Henson, Matt Breitzke, Allison Iraheta, Matt Giraud, Jasmine Murray, Kai Kalama, Jesse Langseth, Adam Lambert, Jeanine Vailes and Nick Mitchell will perform for their chance to be American Idol 8 group 2 winners.
Last week, Thursday, the American Idol Group 1 winners were announced who advanced to the Top 12. They are Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver and Danny Gokey. Casey Carlson, Stephen Fowler, Ricky Braddy, Jackie Tohn, Anoop Desai, Ann Marie Boskovich, Brent Keith, Stevie Wright, and Tatiana Del Toro are not part of the top 12, but still got the chance for the wild-card round.
This week, who will sing to America's heart and who will fail and receive the magic word "You Are Not in the Top 12"? That's what we have to find out as we watch American Idol 8 Top 36 Group 2 Performances on 2/25/2009.
American Idol 8 Top 36 Group 2 Performances 2/25/2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 10:27 AMLabels: American Idol 8