Watch 'Two Lovers' 2009 movie with limited theatrical release date on Friday, February 13, 2009. The film is based on "White Nights" written by Dostoyevsky. Two Lovers is a romantic drama about a bachelor who is between choosing the family friend his parents wish he would marry and his beautiful new neighbor.
Directed by: James Gray
Release date: February 13, 2009 (limited)
Starring: Joaquin Phoenix as Leonard Kraditor
Gwyneth Paltrow as Michelle Rausch
Vinessa Shaw as Sandra Cohen
Isabella Rossellini as Mrs. Ruth Kraditor
Moni Moshonov as Mr. Reuben Kraditor
Elias Koteas as Ronald Blatt
Bob Ari as Mr. Michael Cohen
Julie Budd as Mrs. Carol Cohen
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Friday, February 13, 2009 at 5:26 AMLabels: Two Lovers