The third season of Gossip Girl returns September 14, 2009. Blair's rooming with Georgina at NYU, and there's no way both of them are going to emerge from that situation alive. The cast began filming on June 29, 2009 in New York City.
Hilary Duff has confirmed that she will be joining the show for a multi-episode guest arc in this season as Olivia Burke, a famous movie star who wants a normal college experience.
Joanna García has confirmed that she will also be joining the show for the first four episodes as Bree Buckley, an "evil Miss America type" from a rival Texas family who have a lot of beef with the Archibalds - she will serve as love interest for Nate.
America's Next Top Model boss Tyra Banks has been confirmed to appear in the fourth episode as Ursula Nyquist, a larger than life actress, who'll work with Serena. Also appearing in this episode, are designers Tory Burch and Georgina Chapman.
Music group Sonic Youth will make a guest appearance in the show's fifth episode playing an acoustic version of their song "Starpower". This episode is a "big event" involving Rufus and Lilly.
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Gossip Girl Season 3 Episodes Premiere on Sept 13
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 8:34 AMLabels: Gossip Girl 3